17 May, 2007

Who amI

Who is that face, looking back at me,
As I stand in front of the mirror?
She seems familiar, I've seen her before...
I know her!!!
But as I look closer, look under the surface,
I realise I was wrong, I don't know her at all...
I just thought I did, a long time ago.
I'm eager to find out about her, asking her questions,
Searching her soul, but I don't find anything.
I don't understand. I look closer, I know her!!!
I see her face every morning, in the mirror,
In pictures, in memories...that's ME!
Who am I?
Why don't I recognise myself?
Where is that happy girl of 12?
Who is this cold, sophisticated stranger, standing there,
Mocking me....it's me... but who am I?

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